Born of a Passion for Music

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Audioport is, and has always been, based on our love of music and the idea that better audio reproduction enhances the listener's connection with and appreciation of recorded music. This core principle has always guided us through our years of providing home audio, home theater and home automation. Better performance should always equate to more involvement with, and enjoyment of, your music.

Audioport Ltd. was founded in 1985 and traces its roots back to David Beatty Stereo. Beatty’s was pioneer in high performance audio in Kansas City, dating back to the 1950s.

After a successful career in telecommunications, Rick Milam purchased Audioport in 1998 to pursue his passion for music and superior audio electronics.

Over the decades, Audioport has enjoyed working with many of the industry leaders in high performance audio and video electronics, including earning the prestigious Mark Levinson Dealer of the Year award. 

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“Music is a spice of life. And for those of us who prefer to enjoy it to the fullest, it is a way of life.”

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Rick Milam with a prized guitar.

Rick Milam with a prized guitar.

From Rick Milam

As a musician myself, and a lover of all types of music, I have always appreciated the increased musical enjoyment provided by high performance audio electronics.

In pursuit of those parallel interests, I actually designed speakers for 20 years. But after having the opportunity to be around, and in many cases befriend, some of the most brilliant audio designers in the world, I realized that my greater talent was working with others to help them achieve their own musical goals. I enjoy assisting them in choosing the system and components that best serve their tastes, listening environments and budgets.

All audio components are imperfect, no matter the price tag . . . The ability to balance the inherent compromises into a coherent system is something I pride myself in. Although I evaluate components and systems very well, it's listening to my customers that is most important.  

Audiophiles have a bad rap in some circles for being obsessed with the sound over the actual music, but it doesn't have to be that way. Great gear is about getting you closer to your music. "Drinking by the label", or choosing gear based on brand reputation or a review, is not necessarily the path that will yield your ideal musical experience.

There is a synergy between the music, the listener, the system components and the room. When all are optimized and working together, it can be glorious. My extensive knowledge of both technology and music allow me to guide customers to the most satisfying listening experience possible. It is the most rewarding element of what I do.

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