Classé Audio

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Classé components are built for exceptional performance. Their stunning visual presence is a bonus.

Classé components are built for exceptional performance. Their stunning visual presence is a bonus.

A tradition of excellence.

Classé was formed as a manufacturer of high performance stereo electronics in 1980. We've been involved with them for 25 years with a brief hiatus during a change in ownership. The head of Classé has been in that position for 18 years, before which he was director of product development at Madrigal/Mark Levinson during their glory days.

The new Delta series combines both elegance and muscularity. It presently consists of a combination analog preamp/DAC/digital server, a stereo amp and a pair of monoblocks. The preamp is remarkably flexible, providing pure analog inputs, a phono stage, and a DAC — which supports a wide range of digital inputs and control of the signal, including digital EQ, subwoofer setup and networking features.

The stereo amp is a beast at 102 lbs. The monoblocks are two beasts, delivering incredible power while presenting great inner detail and spaciousness. These monoblocks are simply fantastic. All three of these exceptional Classé products are available for audition.